Flat Roof Inspection (6)



Visual survey of the membrain roofs condition on Building 6 performed by Valdas Stankevicius on December 10, 2009.

Membrane roof area on the right side of Building:

 Concrete ceiling over third floor hallway is in good condition. No Visual cracks, no water stains. Lots of debris under membrane roof structure below A/C platform.

membrroofbldg6.jpg Standing water under membrane roof, by the drainage trap.


Moisture stains on the roof plywood. Moisture stains on some joists. Bottom parts of some joist are wet and dripping.


Membrane roof surface under A/C platform. Holes in membrane at the seam by A/C platform access ladder. Plywood below feels very soft probably due to deterioration.


Aluminum ventilation cap under A/C platforms damaged with holes in it. Water penetrating to the space below.

membrroofbldg6_4.jpgMembrane roof area on the left side of Building:


Membrane roof surface  across from A/C platforms: No visual moisture damages to the roof surface.



Membrane roofs Inspection on Building 6 of Bluff Villas Regime 53 was based on visual observations only. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions regarding this inspection or for further assistance.

Membrane roofs over third floor hallways were inspected by EURO Construction, Inc. on December 11, 2009. Please use the following link for inspection results.

Flat Roof Inspection