Flat Roof Inspection (4)



Flat Roofs Evaluation


Visual survey of the membrain roofs condition on Building 4 performed by Valdas Stankevicius on December 9, 2009.


Membrane roof area on the right side of Building:

Concrete ceiling structure over third floor hallway is in good condition. No visual cracks, no water stains. Membrane roof structure under A/C platform is well sloped. No visual evidence of water leaks. No visual moisture damage to roof plywood and joists.



Membrane roof structure across from A/C platforms is also well sloped. No visual moisture damages to the roof deck, no evidence of water penetration. Gravell fill under roof deck is dry.



Membrane roof surface under a/c platform looks good. No visual damages to the roof membrane.



Membrane Roof Area On The Left Side Of The Building:


Concrete ceiling over third floor hallway is good condition. No visual cracks, no water stains. Membrane roof structure under the A/C platform is well sloped. No visual evidence of water leaks. No visual moisture damages to roof plywood and joists.



Membrane roof structure across from A/C platform. Roof deck is well sloped, no visual moisture damages to the roof plywood and joists, no evidence of water penetration. Gravel fill under membrane roof deck looks dry.



Membrane roof surface under the A/C platform and accross looks good. No visual damages to the membrane.




     Membrane roofs survey on Building 4 of Bluff Villas Regime 54, was based on visual observations only. No moisture testing or thermal scanning was performed at this time.

EURO Construction, Inc.